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Special Initiatives










































Stewardship Resources

From Audrey Severson - SWO Treasurer (715-273-5019)

1."Your Offerings at Work" Stewardship Issue with Thankoffering Service in the Fall Interchange. Find it on the "Publications" tab of

2. Women of the ELCA 1-800-638-3522 Ext 2730
   Go to tab  Our Work   click on Stewardship
Women of the ELCA is also on Facebook and Twitter

3. Download Forms A & B from our synod website or see #4 from the Women of the ELCA or order from ELCA Resources at 1-800-638-3522 Ext 2580 or Order a variety of items - some have a cost; many are free but you are charged for shipping. Order Women of ELCA program covers, Women of ELCA offering envelopes, Bible Study resources, denim shirts, World Hunger packets, World hunger resources, ELCA Good Gifts catalog, Malaria information kits, Malaria offering envelopes, Stories of Faith in Action and LOTS MORE!

4. Our NW Synod of WI SWO website
Check under Our Work Stewardship and you'll find the Treasurers Guide, this stewardship page, and Forms A & B for submitting your offerings and gifts. We're just getting this site established so be patient as we develop our materials to be posted.

5. Women of the ELCA Interchange - free to leaders & congregational units - monthly newsletter with timely information, devotions, ideas, upcoming programs & ministry resources

6. Check out "Cafe" under under publications on the WELCA website.It is an on-line magazine written by bold young women who write about faith, advocacy and more.  It can be a Bible study resource for yourself or a group.

7. ELCA Good Gifts Catalog & World Hunger Packet - learn about hunger and justice issues or how to simplify your life, women and children program, Disaster response, water projects, training & education

8. Daily Grace - daily reading, reflections, prayers - may receive daily by e-mail or through iPhone app.

9. The Northwester - newsletter of the Northwest Synodical Women's Organization of the ELCA - sent to local units but units are encouraged to subscribe for officers - $8 yr - send subscriptions to Eleanor Johnson, W5370 Century Rd, Greenwood WI 54437-8309. e-mail Eleanor Johnson.

10. Seeds of the Parish - free resource for church leaders Church secretary orders on line for church leaders through parochial report website.

11. eclipse - weekly synod e-mail updates - contact to be added to the list. Also check the synod website for information, updates, calendar of events, pictures. Synod Office Mailing address: NW Synod of Wisconsin, 944 24 1/4 St, Suite 2, Chetek, WI 54728. Phone number 715-859-6810. Email

12. The Lutheran - publication of the ELCA, published by Augsburg Fortress 1-800-638-3522. Reader friendly, informative, inspirational, current news, quarterly synod news.

13. ELCA website - - Lots of information, resources. 1-800-638-3522.

14. LWR - - learn of peace, justice and advocacy issues, study tours, virtual university sessions (1 hr online class with global experts); service projects, fair trade coffee, chocolate, handicrafts.



Congregational Unit Treasurer Offering Schedule

Offering Transmittal Form A

Offering Transmittal Form B

Send your unit offerings, and convention expense funds ($30) to:

Audrey Severson SWO Treasurer N6059 530th St Ellsworth, WI 54011-5107