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Treasurer News

As we get back into the fall routine, we know many Conferences have new officers.   If you are a new Treasurer, plan to attend our synod training on September 17 for officers on the conference level and any local units officers that wish to attend.  We will try to answer all your questions.  If you cannot attend, please go to our web site:  for the Treasurer’s Schedule and Offering Forms A that you send to me with your offerings and Form B that is sent to Churchwide office.
At our last board meeting, we discussed putting our Mission Investment Fund savings to work for our ministry projects.   We voted to leave about $1000 in the Investment Fund and withdraw $4,671.  Of that amount, we will give $2,671 to churchwide WELCA, $1,000 to the Synod Bold Generosity Campaign, $1000 to the ELCA Fund for Leaders.  
One half of the regular offerings sent to me from your units are very important to keep our SWO ministry continuing.  One half of this amount goes to the churchwide WELCA office.  As of the end of August we have sent $4,058 which equals 1/2 of your offerings.  Conference offerings sent to the Synod Women’s treasurer are sent on to the churchwide office also.  As of the middle of August we have received $2,731 from spring events and from three of the conferences fall retreats.  
Synod Women also provides up to 7 - $100 scholarships for women to attend the Lay School that will soon begin for the fall.  Applications will be available at the Lay School meetings for you to pick up and submit to the Lay School coordinator.
The Thankoffering service for 2017-18 is available on the WELCA website under stewardship. It will also be mailed inside the “Interchange Newsletter” from WELCA.

Fall Blessings,

Audrey Severson
SWO Treasurer
N6059 530th Street
Ellsworth, WI 54011


Send your unit offerings, and convention expense funds ($30) to:

Audrey Severson SWO Treasurer N6059 530th St Ellsworth, WI 54011-5107


Congregational Unit Treasurer Offering Schedule

Offering Transmittal Form A

Offering Transmittal Form B